Sunday, June 24

Sunday, Bloody Sunday...

Another Rainy Bloody Sunday, so it's time for a catch up with old blogs.
and I appologies in advance for this blog, it's the equivelent of one of those TV programmes which are made up of clips from previous episodes. You know the ones, where the budget for the season has been spent or the luvies are on their hols, anyhoo here goes...
  • Relatively Speaking: pops has now met up with his long lost brother, memories shared and blogs are being prepared.
  • Getting Old: The fastest human on the reaction test is (drum role..........................) RuthieRoo!
  • Dreams & Dreams revisited: Still no joy, here! and I'm getting fat with all the cheese!
  • White Van Man & Have Your Say: Sylvain made it to Paris and back in one piece and did not upset too many people as 4x4 lady lost the vote (9-6) as the most despised driver on the road!
  • Made For Idiots: All the required bits were not in the boxes, round 2 (the wardrobe) will start today - deep joy!

now I need to catch up on the travel blog as I'm a few posts behind on that!


Ruthie said...

Woo-hoooooooooo! Go Roofie, Go Roofie, Go Roofie!

Well, have to say that more than makes up for how rubbish I have been on Tombraider!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira. Até mais.