Relatively Speaking...
Today was an emotional day for the Cuttsy clan, today the family grew. No, No not like that!
Pops has over the past year or so been tracing the family tree, starting out with ruler, pen & paper (pops is old school) and moving to once WHSmith couldn't supply paper big enough to fit the ever expanding tree.

Now the reach of the Internet & the laziness of people out there to research and corroborate their data means that emails come from cuttsys far and wide claiming kinship (still no royalty though!). Pops checks them out and ninety nine out of a hundred are false trails but the odd one adds to the tree.
Today though was special, today at the tender age of 68 pops discovered he had a 1/2 brother, Roy! The long lost (and unfortunately late) Grandpa Cuttsy remarried and sired a new branch of the Cuttsy clan. This is by no means the end of the story, 1/2 brothers will meet and memories exchanged, Christmas card lists will need to expand and blogs will need to be written.
So you see money may not grow on trees but families definitely do!
Found your blog by surfing ... Dreams Revisited caught my eye and gave me a laugh. Then scroling down I came across your post about genealogy. I've been doing tracing our family tree off and on for the last 40 years. Congratulations to your father. It is such a high when you get to add to the family tree and to discover a relative that close must be an extrodinary feeling.
IT sure is, especially for pops as he has had no close family until now!
Welcome to the blog, I serve tea and biscuits at 3pm do pop back whenever you want :)
Wow, what a great story Cuttsy, and how rewarding for your Pops...maybe the labour of love he put into painstakingly researching, has led to this path, and rewarded him with new Kin.
Keep us informed if they have a reunion, dying to know xx
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