Everybody wants to rule the world
I've just about given up on TV, these days it is hardly worth turning the bloody thing on! If it's not a phone vote, text vote z list celeb affair or a supposedly wannabe talent show, then it's the Top 100 best ever one thing or another. It won't be long before there is a "Top 100 best ever voting shows" with the results decided by phone voting.
There are more people voting every week for some random wannabe stranger to perform one inane task or another than there are voting once every four years or so in the general election. Something has gone wrong somewhere and we need a solution, here's mine...
The next Big Brother house will be the House of Commons. Get all the MPs in there, stack it out with hidden cameras and lock the doors! Txt vote 'em in or out based upon their performance that week, now I know this has the potential of paint drying so to jazz it up a little, some weekly tasks...
- Each party leader gets to don Sumo suits, last man standing wins immunity
- Imaginary scenarios are proposed & the craziest solutions win treats. Things like "A 3rd world country led by an evil despot has managed to produce WMDs. Your prize is control of said country's oil, what do you do?"
- There will be mass debates and cunning linguists will come out on top (see what I did there?)
I bet there would be some real booing when they get voted out!
Before proposing this to TV land, I need more task ideas please...
Get a job man. You're not so much rambling as gabbling like a man who has too little to do.
what about the "loser" of any task has to face a penalty such as:
- taking away all his/ her personal assistants/ spin doctors & not allowing them any "freebies" or special privilges for a month
- making them (and their family) live on a "budget" for a month (ie equivalent to pensioners etc)
- anytime they complain about someone's behaviour etc, get them arrested for violating the other persons human rights!
Needs a bit of work, but you might be onto a winner here!
Paintball dodging? I'll quite happily volunteer to sit up it the public gallery with a rifle. Anne Widdecome will get one right between the eyes.
Or how about a new twist to question time. Spring load the seats and give mr. speaker a big red "EJECT" button. Anyone MP who doesn't answer a question with a straight answer gets made into ceiling pancake.
how about...
1) Hunt the pension fund
2) Dodge the missile - random missile launchers eject eggs, rotten tomatoes and coloured flour and maybe the odd spring loaded fist as MP's trundle past.
3) infection detection. Whilst contestants are sleeping, BB sets up a hospital ward. Loser of previous task - the more injuries and open wounds the better, has to survive 1 week on crap food, no cleaners, overworked nurses etcwithout catching some deadly superbug..
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