Saturday, August 4

This House Is On Fire

The sun is shining for two days in succession, Summer has arrived and wonders never cease it's also the weekend. Barbecues' up and down the land are being stoked by men eager to prove their virility through their flawless ability to burn sausages & under cook chicken wings. Thank heavens for extra sticky bbq sauce and its capacity to hide our culinary sins. The beer of course is obligatory, you just can't have a hot sunny day and a burnt beefburger without a cold can of larger. It's the law.
So here I sit writing this blog satisfied that this man can still cook by fire, the logical extension being that if needed I could also hunt down wild animals bare handed for the feast.

It's now 11.30pm, the charcoal was piled so high the embers are still glowing cherry red, a stray spark could cause untold damage. I have a banging hangover and a nagging feeling I may have food poisoning. All in all a succesful first barbecue, unless the house burns down tonight and I fail to escape due to crippling stomach pains. Still, I am man, hear me roar!


Anonymous said...

Don't worry, if the house goes up in flames you can use it to spit-roast a horse. Now THAT's a barbeque!!!!

Unknown said...

mmm, roast horse. Where can I get bread buns that big?

Anonymous said...

Good journey and experience!