Friday, July 6


Respect goes out to all those umpires at Wimbledon. I had a prime seat yesterday at centre court to watch Venus & various eastern European ladies battle it out for semi final places.
Every serve, every shot flies by so fast and so close to the lines it is amazing they can judge in or out 50% of the time let alone the 99% plus success rate they achieve.
Suspicion and dirty looks from the players, mutterings from the crowd and any dubious decisions challenged for all the world (well quite a few million viewers) to see!
Pimms & lemonade in the private members lounge between matches, not my usual tipple but when in Rome...
Eventually of course the rain came, it is after all England, summer and Wimbledon week! Such a shame as Feddera & Ferrero were just getting into it.
Clouds, miserable, grey and unmoving had once again decided to spoil play. This has I think been the most rain affected tournament ever.
Time for home then, a thoroughly enjoyable time was had and even battling the crowds on the underground did not seem so bad. I wonder if I will see myself on TV on tonight's highlights?


Anonymous said...

After watching at least 3 games of tennis this year. I'm convinced I have the perfect formula for getting your first serve in every single time. The trick is to aim at the line judge who stands watching the centre line. This means that when taking the shot, you've got a verticle reference point making it easier to judge the bounce of the ball and get it on the line or just slightly on the correct side of the line. Even if you are out, if your serve is fast enough at least you can knock them out and render them unable to make the call. I can see no flaws whatsoever in my plan.

Paula said...

Did you see yourself??!!
Ahhhhhhhhhh, the Pimms cup, lovely - i had more than a fair share last week here for the henley Royal Regatta...Don't remember seeing any boats though