21st Century Boy
Technological evolution is accelerating into the future and we consumers are hanging on for dear life. I'm a techie and love gadgets, can't get enough of them! I've just taken delivery of the best bicycle computer EVER, the Garmin Edge 305.

This little baby does everything, speed, distance, time (of course), heart rate, compass, sunrise & sunset plus a hundred other functions, if I can figure the buttons it's probably going to pedal and steer as well. But what raises the Edge from technology to magic is the in-built GPS and PC connectivity. After a ride I upload to motionbased.com and then watch the ride replayed in Google maps, there are graphs & tables for speed, altitude, heart rate and more all timed to the little red dot riding my route. I can even switch to Google Earth and 'fly' around a 3D terrain complete with wire frame buildings, photos & points of interest!
Boy oh boy, I wish I had this earlier in the year on safari in Africa. I could be 'revisiting' the plains of Botswana & Tanzania browsing my photos geographically placed in Google Earth.
Gluing together state of the art bike computers, GPS and Internet satellite maps is obvious now I know of it, but it's also genius!
BUT hang on, this is not technical genius, this is convergence of the existing. Imagination is the key and we are all born with that. So here is my challenge to the imagineers out there in Blogdom, glue some technology together & come up with genius.
OH and you can't have fridges that order milk when your running low or wireless digital cameras with GPS which post pictures straight to Google Earth, those have been done already!
There is no prize, just have fun imagining and show off your genius...
SO, I'll kick this off...
How about a wireless alarm clock for PC connectivity?
A> it syncs to your calander and knows what time your first appointment is.
B> It (or it's desktop software) knows your location for the days work (via calender, meeting location)
C> It check's with traffic master for road conditions and plots the optimum route via route planner..
AND here is the clever bit...
It creates the optimum route for that day's location based upon realtime traffic conditions AND ALTERS your wake up call time to ensure you have enough time to get up, get ready and get there!
How about a brother in-law that remembers your birthday....
And there was me thinking that you were delivering my present the other night, not just stopping by between luncheon dates.
12th june, put that in your new computer for next year.
Oh and thanks for looking after shay, we have had to open an account with Hovis
Show off my what? Is that not illegal?
Bugger technology, I just want a housework fairy :o( Right now I'd settle for a robot that can apply lotion to chicken pox spots - I have dabbers elbow.
Love, Mrs M ~ X ~
IoanMz Hello! Great blog you have! My greetings!
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