Friday, May 25

make your own bomb!!

Chlorine is not nice! Chlorine kills stuff! Very small amounts in swimming pools kills the nasty germs (I'm tempted to talk ramble on about sneaky toilet breaks on holiday but will desist). In fact chlorine is so nasty it was used in the world wars by all sides to wreak havoc on the enemy (unless the wind changed direction, in which case it wreaked havoc on your own soldiers). Avoid Chlorine - it aint nice!

Sodium is no better, remember that cool chemistry experiment at school? The one where teacher donned safety glasses, thick gloves and from behind the safety of a glass shield dropped a very small amount into a beaker of water. KABOOM! yep, click for animation of the destructive powers of sodiuma tiny amount of sodium when mixed with water goes off with a hell of a bang. For some reason college kids in America find this very exciting and occasionally have sodium parties, where they drop the biggest pieces of sodium they can get on ebay into swimming pools, lakes or any other water they can find. These parties are often followed by more sombre get together's, they call them 'wakes'!

So, logic dictates then that if you were to mix the highly explosive Sodium with the highly poisoness Chlorine you would get a very powerful poisoness bomb.

WRONG, you get sodium chloride! otherwise known as table salt - not great for you if you eat a bucket full but hardly the expected weapon of mass destruction.

OK, the next attempt I will try mixing the highly flammable oxygen (1 measure) with the explosive hydrogen (2 measures). This will produce H2O, mmm sounds familiar...


Anonymous said...

Third time lucky, in a very cold day buy some glycerin and mix it
with nitric acid. Eat it, is good for the heart :-).

Ruthie said...

Well you say that about chlorine, but it doesn't kill verrucas!!!

Er, not that I've had one!

yes, erm, well, errr, best be off then!