Thursday, April 12

lord of the flies

Ahhh! the sun on my face, the wind in my hair, the flies in my teeth!
When you're bombing along on your mountain bike and you get a fly straight in your mouth it kinda ruins the moment! What makes it worse is the spit or swallow problem (stop giggling children), some flies don't touch the sides, some get stuck in your teeth and are spat out pronto. Some though get stuck at the back of your throat and let me tell you that's not nice. Apart from the taste and the wiggling of the wings there is the struggle to spit up the little bleeder without inhaling and swallowing. It's a good job this is off road riding, because by now I'm all over the trail pulling faces like a champion gurner, gobbing up bluebottle for all I'm worth!

As rides go, it's a fine one, 20 miles of bridleways, farm tracks and quite country lanes, the sun was shining, the wind was in my face & I only swallowed 2 of the little buggers!

Heading west out of Ampthill through Warren Wood (a peaceful forest full of muntjac deer which Center Parcs want to spend millions on developing into a peaceful forest full of paying guests!) on to the Woburn countryside, skirting the safari park I head south & east linking up the Greensands ridge walk, the 7 Parish path and the Bunyan Trail south and then east of Westoning.

It's spring, sheep & lamb aplenty in the fields so I decide to stop to indulge myself (again, stop sniggering children!). Now I know I am no Dr Doolittle but I have had various levels of success 'barring' at sheep, ranging from the odd bleated response to a 50 strong herd (what do you call a group of sheep?) running across the field to keep up with me! Today though just half a dozen ickle lambs giving me a 'feed us' look. Oh well, some you win some you eat. Back on the bike and the last leg 6 miles swinging north through Flitton, Ruxox farm with it’s medieval moat & home.

It has been a full morning & I'm ready to crash in the hammock for a couple of hours Kathy though wants to go out and get some fresh air!!! So after a quick lunch we’re off on a 2 hour walk around Marsten Vale park – topped off with a pint of John Smith’s finest.

Surely I’ve earned another Easter egg?
Oh yeah, I've had my calories with the pint and double bluebottle.

1 comment:

Ruthie said...

I totally sympathise with the fly problem...

When I was living in India, I was out shopping, and walked through a load of storm flies (obviously that's not what they're called). Anyway, one flew up my nose, which was the most irritating feeling I'd ever experienced, at the same time that one flew into my mouth (i am a vegetarian)...

There was I, gagging in the middle of a crowded street... fearing dengue fever and all sorts... while I'm sure all the other shoppers were just thinking "weird tourists"!!!!!