Saturday, November 3


How remiss of me, no postings for weeks, a collective phew can be heard from my readership (hello dad).

I've been a busy boy, working no less. It has come as a shock to the system after 10 months of travel and fun. I will say from the outset that I have been breaking myself in gently, working from home and fitting it into the poor weather days and dark nights (I don't expect sympathy, actually I expected a little light hearted abuse but misses cuttsy has just left me to it).

So that's where my creative juices have been flowing (the new job not misses cuttsy). I've been doing web consultancy which has turned into a end to end spec, design & build of a website which has included the photography and graphic design for logos etc. Very enjoyable and hopefully I'll get paid as well.

Still out on the bike, in fact 30 miles yesterday (can't believe the mild weather) and flying the kite (6 ft power kite), which has lived up to all expectations of being a great upper body workout and more fun than being stuck in a sweaty gym.
So for now things are working out well, poor weather or dark and I'm working, good weather and windy and I'm kiting, good weather and less wind and I'm on the bike. The pub is near so that fits with all conditions.

and I made time for a blog, right friends coming round for the weekend, meals out and beer to be had...

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